Episode Transcript: #517 - Crash, from Float Lab
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
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Ladies and gentlemen, for many of you who've heard this podcast before,
you're aware of a thing that I'm really into called the sensory deprivation tank.
And the sensory deprivation tank was invented by a guy named John Lilly,
who is a scientist and a real freak, like a guy who is just really out there.
Really fascinating guy.
And he wrote a book that I picked it up on, I think, like, Amazon.com,
like the used books that they'll sell you, like people, sellers, individual sellers will sell it.
And it's The Deep Self.
And in it, he talks about the benefits of the tank,
detailed construction on how to make your own tank.
He's got, like, diagrams in it, and just really, really fascinating guy.
And he was into all sorts of weird altered states of consciousness.
And one of the things that he wanted to figure out was how to separate the body from the senses.
And he came up with a bunch of different designs.
There's a movie, Altered States, that's kind of very loosely based on, you know,
the idea of a guy like him going completely haywire and becoming like a monkey.