Episode Transcript: #549 - Big Jay Oakerson
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Is it fucking up again?
No, you said you didn't want to do music so I unplugged it.
Oh, you already unplugged it?
That's how wonky our fucking system is.
We need a better system where you can't just unplug and just press play.
No, I mean, I usually unplug it just so nothing bad happens.
Like in the middle of it I get like an instant message or something and you're like,
What the fuck was that?
Do you get instant messages on your iPad?
No, but I'm saying if something like that were to happen, you know?
Gotcha. Big J! What up, dawg?
Yeah, buddy.
Thanks for coming in, man.
Thank you for having me. It's very exciting.
What is that? Is that an e-cigarette you're popping on?
You know, Congress is trying to fucking ban those finally.
That's fine.
They're stepping in.
The government's stepping up and ending these evil, evil e-cigarettes