#554 - W. Kamau Bell cover

Episode Transcript: #554 - W. Kamau Bell

NaN minutesEpisode #554
W. Kamau Bell

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Current time: 00:00:00

and we're live you're one of those dudes that rocks two phones no no no this is an ipod touch


because this phone is broken so like i can't listen to music on this phone anymore so i just


bought an ipod touch i'm not that dude you're not that dude no this is just it looks like i'm that


like like this is my burner but no it's just well there's a lot of people that just love


fucking around with a bunch of different pieces of electronics i carry a few of them no i prefer


one it's just when i went to this verizon to go can i have a new phone system was cracked they're


like okay that'll be seven hundred dollars and i was like no it won't be i will wait until my


contract is up what's wrong with it it's cracked the screen is cracked which doesn't bother me but


somehow i'm really bad with i'm really hard on everything as my wife will attest and uh


oh shit not in a not in a ray rice way let's be clear but uh the jack is all fucked up so i can't


i can't hear things in anymore in a ray rice way will be a statement for a long time yeah no yeah


until somebody else uh knocks two of their wives out in an elevator like michael vicking your dog


yeah yeah that's uh yeah that was that whole scenario is leading to so many different people


getting in trouble for domestic violence and reports of domestic violence and anthony johnson


uh one of the fighters in the ufc got suspended just because there was just the the possibility


that maybe something happened so there's an inquiry i mean there's a sea change we're going through a sea


change right now yeah yeah and it's all about i think because i've talked about this a little bit


before that it used to be you only knew the shit that you knew that was directly in front of you that


you want information you either sought out or your friends brought to you but now on facebook and twitter


people are like finding out about ray rice who were like i didn't know there was a thing called

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