Episode Transcript: #566 - Sue Aikens
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you don't play the music okay the joe rogan experience train by day joe rogan podcast by night
all day all the way from how many miles above the arctic circle uh they are saying it's 197
miles north of the arctic circle i say it's a few more god so somewhere around 200 miles yeah
jesus fucking christ what what led you folks who just tuning in right now sue akins from life below
zero uh which is one of my favorite shows love that show it's uh the realest at all those shows
it seems to be the realest there's so many of these shows that they'll do like these subsistence
living shows but you know that they're setting up fake scenarios you know that there's some
producer fuckery involved yeah there there are some things that some shows out there that are um
i would say very heavily scripted yeah you know you're told what you're going to be doing
not but this show uh and it's it's one of my things in my contract i don't do scripted anything
i never want to hear how oh wouldn't that look great if you fell through the river because i'll
be like jump fucker see how it feels i'm not doing it you know there's enough interesting stuff that
happens naturally that you don't have to script a lot of action yeah i would imagine i mean where
you're living is one of the most bizarre remote places on earth for folks who have never seen the
show uh it follows a series of people uh that live uh in some pretty incredibly remote locations in
alaska but you are the most remote you're the gangster of the gangsters yeah yeah i'm the the queen of the
badassery when it comes to remote you know my closest city uh where you could find a walmart is 500 miles
south and when you take a plane from fairbanks to camp once you hit the air that's it you don't see
another building until you get to my camp what led you this spot even when i you know i say in in
preschool and kindergarten in the early to mid 60s when they ask you what do you want to be when you