Episode Transcript: #577 - Duncan Trussell
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we're sneaking this in on people they didn't even know i just tweeted it just now yeah we're
sneaking it in duncan that's the best way to do it you think so i think so too that way for for
people that didn't expect it and then just like going through their little computer and the
twitter comes up like oh my god i can watch a podcast with duncan trust oh now that's too sweet
right there and he's got a solo hunter shirt on yes by the way duncan duncan has gone gangster
i'm a poser hunter i'm wearing a camo hat and a hunting shirt and i've you've been hunting once
i've been hunting more than well i've been hunting a few times and i i this is a controversial
statement i think fishing is a form of hunting so that's gonna count it's hunting for aliens they
don't even breathe our air i know they're weird they breathe air out of the water yeah and you
you know you got it we just went fishing we had those popping corks where you got to make the
sound of a fish eating so that it's truly trying to communicate with an alien because they hear that
oh yeah like a like a lure a surface yeah a popper sounds like when they're grabbing bugs off the
surface so you're communicating to them you're making their noises and then wrenching them out
of their dimension and holding them and taking a picture with them because the ones we caught were
too small and throwing them back in yeah i was with ari and we uh went on the salmon run we caught
some salmon in alaska and uh it it was one of the most bizarre experiences ever because you know that
these animals they're gonna die essentially yeah they're swimming there so they can fuck and then die
and you're you know you're taking part of it and they're all over the place and they were giant
like we caught some like 30 pound 40 pound salmon it was so fun i love salmon man that's the those are the
that's the worst marathon of all time which is you you you fuck at the beginning of it right that's