Episode Transcript: #607 - Joe Schilling
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All right, with me today, this Friday night, you can catch him live on Spike TV, Glory
19, right?
It's number 19?
Yes, sir.
Stitcher, Joe Schilling, live from Los Angeles.
Welcome aboard, brother.
Pull that sucker right up to your face.
All right.
Don't be shy.
You're drinking distilled water, huh?
That's to cut weight?
Is that what that is?
Yes, sir.
How much do you cut?
I try to cut like 12 pounds of water, maybe a little less, but the process, it's like five
gallons of water over three days.
Is there like a science to this, or is this like, does everybody do the same thing, or
like, it seems like a lot of people have different methods on how to do this.
Yeah, a lot of people have different methods.
I read about it online probably five years ago from some wrestler, and we tried it,