Episode Transcript: #673 - Nick DiPaolo & Adam Lowery
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All right, we're live we're going in I'm here with Nick DiPaolo Brian Redband
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and we're looking at the the tunnel that they dug under I believe his name is El Chapo
Yes El Chapo Guzman
Respect for you know forget about all the terrible shit. I'm sure that guy has done
Listen, you got it. You got to give props when they're due this guy had I mean he's got a fucking plan
He executed it like a goddamn Clint Eastwood movie. I know this is a movie
I've hired contractors who don't do work that good that tunnel was perfect for Christ
And he was in jail for a year, so I wonder if it took a year for them to do this. Oh Christ
I wonder how they did it probably got a crew of six, and they did it in three hours
They dug a fucking mile tunnel. There's a video of him going into the hole too
To see if you can find the video because you actually see him go up. See ya. He just fucking
He just goes over to buy where his toilet is and just steps down into I'm not kidding man. It's crazy
It's crazy. There's a staircase
It's like a movie and it's gonna end with Trump, you know. Oh my god, and the movies can be Trumped. Do you know his his um
His son said something he texted something
Jesus Christ how terrified must Trump be right now?
Can you imagine this fucking guy who can dig a tunnel a mile under the ground it comes up behind Trump Trump's house?
It's trying to kick your ass isn't it weird that history is tweeted now like in the past
It used to be like by horse and message carrier