Episode Transcript: #684 - Brian Redban
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Ah freaks and freakettes we're back we're back with lots of stories because the internet is filled with
Pleasurable news items
It's been a fun weekend, right?
It's been a fun weekend for you Brian loves a cause
I know Brian is sometimes a bit aimless and when he finds a cause boy does he get excited?
And his cause was this gentleman who calls himself the fat Jewish or fat Jew depending on who you ask and
And I you know what's really fucked up. I was telling people to check out his Instagram
Because of my guys always get some funny stuff on there
I didn't even think about where it came from because to me as a comic I guess like a self-centered thing
Like I think of like stealing jokes is like stealing like someone does stand up and they do jokes
I never thought of like memes as jokes, but they really are and a lot of them are
From like an individual page like this is a girl that he stole from it's really funny
And I went to her page. It's all her own shit and she's was her name
Which one are you talking about?
Um, I've actually gone through the last 24 hours and have checked over almost a hundred different people
I've been researching well, there's one of the ones that you retweeted
one of the ones that I retweeted that you put up. It was a girl an attractive young lady with dark brown hair
I'll find it real quick, but a point being these people they they you know
Before Brian was a stand-up comic when I met Brian Brian used to do like really funny videos and there was a time where you
What is her name? God damn it princess of Wi-Fi. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah hilarious