Episode Transcript: #685 - Jeff Novitzky
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Ah, we're live. All right, Jeff. Thank you very much, man. Appreciate you coming on here.
It was very cool talking to you in Brazil, and even though it was a very short conversation,
I learned a lot, and I got very fired up about this podcast.
Awesome, man. Great to be here. Thanks for having me.
Well, thank you, and thank you for all the stuff you've done.
For folks who don't know, you're the guy who essentially took down Lance Armstrong,
or at least made the case, or solidified. I mean, how would you describe it?
Yeah, I mean, I was involved in the investigation.
You know, it was a case run by the Department of Justice out of Los Angeles.
I was one of the case agents on it, so I was associated with it.
That's one of the things that's creepy about it, is that the government was going after bike riders.
It's like, wouldn't you think that they've got some really important shit to do?
I think that bothered a lot of people about the baseball thing with Barry Bonds,
and with Mark McGuire, and all that Sammy Sosa stuff.
It's like, why is the fucking Congress involved?
Yeah, you know, on one hand, these were laws that the agencies I was with were tasked to investigate.
On the other hand, in terms of importance, I was on a personal level.
I looked at the message that was being sent to the youth, not only of this country, but of the world,
and that it became a fact that in the mid to late 90s, steroid use was so pervasive in sports that, you know,
kids are smart these days.