#689 - Abby Martin cover

Episode Transcript: #689 - Abby Martin

NaN minutesEpisode #689
Abby Martin

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Current time: 00:00:00

We are doing the show in the honor of Derek the safari guide who was killed by Cecil's cousin in Africa today


All day my fucking Facebook has been a mess because of people angry at me thinking that I really cared that this fucking safari guide got killed


But Abby Martin's here to straighten everything out


Did you did you cry when Cecil? No, I didn't shed any tears. No, no. I cried when Jimmy Kimmel cried


Yeah, see these stories are just I just feel like they're manufactured kind of outrage and feign outrage for people to just feel better


I mean yes, of course you should


You know love animals and love humans and have solidarity with all living things


But it just seemed really manufactured especially when I read interviews with people who lived there and they were like who the fuck is Cecil the lion?


Like the way the hysteria in this country made it seem like he was like their national animal


Yeah, this was the the lion that was like a loved the lion right this beloved creature and everyone was like


Why do Americans care so much about this line?


Well, no one had heard anything about him at all


Until this guy killed them and then once we decided there was a name to Cecil


You know then it became this big thing well, I had a Justin Ren who's a friend of mine who works in a Congo


He he builds water wells for these people in the Congo that don't have fresh water and he said the most sobering statistic yesterday


He said 5,000 children between the age of up to the age of five die every day in the Congo because they drink dirty water


5,000 a day a day I can't even comprehend it's insane. It's impossible to wrap your head around and


You know black lives don't matter lions matter


No, seriously, I mean when you're that someone else wrote a really poignant editorial like this African woman and she was just like this


You know, there's so much death and destruction basically because of just so many things globalization

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