#719 - Josh Olin cover

Episode Transcript: #719 - Josh Olin

NaN minutesEpisode #719
Josh Olin

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Current time: 00:00:00

Boom and we're live Joshua. How are you? I'm good Joe. How are you dude your story?


Well, we were talking before this alright because I had seen online that you had gotten fired for this whole Donald Sterling


Comment thing and then you had said to me you took some heat for the Donald Sterling thing too


But not really I didn't there's you there's no there's only the only real heat is you like


Get in trouble like you lose you you lose a job you actually got fired for saying something that's entirely reasonable


and I'm gonna paraphrase what you said but I believe what you said was


He has every right to be an old bigot in the privacy of his home and then he's a victim because this


Fucking floozy that he was hanging around with who had recorded him and then leaked the audio right?


Which is totally completely reasonable. You called him an old bigot


You didn't in any way support him right I said he was a bigot in my own in my own statement


Even a statement that was isolated. Yeah. Thank you for picking up on that


But this idea that in the privacy of your own home that your words should be


They should be gone over with a fine-tooth comb by the entire world and then that's not some horrendous invasion of privacy


Like that's fucked man to me that invasion of privacy is a way more egregious error than someone being a shithead on his own time


Right and even what he said the reality of what he said


He said and he never used a racial slur. I mean call him a bigot if you will


But what he said was I don't want to his girlfriend


I don't want you taking pictures with these black guys. I don't care if you fuck them, right?


But I don't want you taking pictures with them


What I don't care if you fuck them is a huge part of his statement

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