Episode Transcript: #759 - Cameron Hanes
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Jamie. Bam, motherfucker, and we're live with Filthy Skills, by the way. If people wondering
what Filthy Skills is, this is a hilarious story because I just saw you wearing, I ran into you
in Salt Lake. I didn't know, I was going to be there. By the way, Cameron Haynes, my friend,
Bo Hunter. Where's my camera here? Wildlife conservationist, ultra marathon runner,
ultimate badass. I was in Salt Lake skiing with my family at the same time. What was it called?
The Great Western? It's a Western hunting exposition, conservation exposition, something like that.
Which I really want to just drag some of the biggest diehard vegans, one of the most,
the angry ones, and just let them loose there and go wander around. They'd go bonkers. They'd
run into walls and scream and probably pee themselves. It's all just skulls and shit.
And mounts and big, cool stuff. And places you can go to shoot your own food. But you were wearing
this Filthy Skills shirt, so I'm like, what is Filthy Skills? And I've been seeing it on your
Instagram. What is Filthy Skills? Right. This is hilarious. So some guy sent you this, and we'll
put it up on the screen so you can see it on the YouTube. Some guy sent this, which is a photo of a
YouTube comment where this guy, what is, you got it, Jamie? Where some guy said to you, here it is,
fuck you for destroying our world with your Filthy Hunting Skill. Yeah. Your Filthy Hunting Skill. Why don't
you kill yourself instead to reduce the population, dumbass? First of all, the spelling on this is
atrocious. It's almost like he got his dog to write that for him. Yeah. FK, space, letter U, space,
for, he got destroying, right? Yeah. Our world. That's a tough word. Yeah. He's like, he's weird.
He's like, population's good, Filthy's good, but you're, he does UR. People that do UR, what do you do
with all that extra time that you spend? Between like, Y-O-U, what do you do with, you know, you don't have to