Episode Transcript: #760 - Doug Duren & Nathan Ihde
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In Creole they would say Dubai.
Ladies and gentlemen, Doug Duren!
I always wanted to do that.
I never get a chance.
I always wanted you to do it, man.
My man. And you brought your friend Nathan Eide.
Both of you guys escaped the winter of Wisconsin, which I'm representing right now.
Hunt to eat t-shirt.
And Matang and Yanis Putelis, this is their company, and Matang sent me a code for people if you want to use this.
If you go to hunttoeat.com, and I think the code word is just Joe Rogan all in one word.
I'm going to find it in one second.
And if you do that, I think you get 10% off.
Hold on a second. I'll find that real quick.
Yeah, Joe Rogan, all caps, 10% off.
Hunt to eat.
And some of them are license plates.
This one's the Wisconsin one.
It's just a circle.