Episode Transcript: #761 - Bas Rutten
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Dum dum dum dum dum and we're live!
Unfortunately, Mauro Ranallo is deathly ill and he cannot make it here.
But the great Bas Rutin, BASITO, El Guapo, is here.
Former UFC heavyweight champion and your friend Kevin Randleman.
Unfortunately, the guy you won the title from passed away recently.
Yeah. That was sad, huh?
Yeah, the conspiracy theory was already on, I saw online because he didn't, Mauro didn't do WWE yesterday evening.
So they said he was at the funeral of Kevin Randleman.
I said, no, that's not true. He's really sick at home.
But yeah, that was the craziest news.
We found out after we just did our podcast.
And then we went online and Mauro goes like...
What happened to him? He got sick?
He was in the hospital?
He got sick, pneumonia, and then his heart gave out. They couldn't revive him.
Well, he had staph infection worse than anybody I've ever seen in my life.
Did you ever see some of the pictures?
You know what I said to people?
If you use smokeless tobacco, you know, that little box, you could literally put in that hole that he had in his chest.