Episode Transcript: #801 - Gary Johnson
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Johnson, what's happening, buddy?
Joe Rogan.
Thanks for coming aboard. I appreciate it, man.
Oh, man, other way around.
You're on the short list of people that folks consider a rational person that's running for president.
We're in a very strange time. Would you agree?
I think we're in the strangest time ever, maybe in the history of politics, certainly in my lifetime.
Yeah, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. It almost seems like this is the last gasp of the idea of running for president.
You know, when you just do the mathematics of the fact that Hillary and Donald Trump are arguably the two most polarizing figures in American politics today,
that Trump has to go out and get 30 percent of the far right to get the nomination.
Hillary has to go out and get 30 percent of the far left.
When 50 percent of Americans right now who are registering to vote are independent, at the end of the day, don't the two major parties represent about 30 percent of the electorate?
And so where is where are the interests?
Where is the representation for the majority of interest in America?
I think it's the Libertarian Party. I think it's libertarian.
People just don't know it. And speaking with a broad breaststroke, libertarian, fiscally conservative, socially liberal.
Yeah, that seems to be where most people hang their hat.
But it's not something that most people identify with when they talk about their actual political persuasion.
They usually say, you know, they're on the left or they're on the right.
When someone says they're a libertarian, that's that dude at the office that has guns.