Episode Transcript: #817 - Jason Hairston & Brendan Burns
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Couple hours and
Yeah, we got the gun. What's up gentlemen? How are you good?
People tune into this podcast. I got Brendan Burns and Jason Harrison who run a company called Kuyu which is
the premier if
You could look at your company
Like in comparison to a lot of other like sporting good companies and like if people think about like a hunting company
You think about all it's like some duck dynasty type shit you guys what I like about your company is
There's not a lot of people that take what you guys do like make
clothing and gear and
Take it to the most technical and most intelligent like what is the best shit you can possibly make sit and go do that
And then but because of that this company's become this gigantic company
I found out about you guys by from my friend
Martin putellus
Who works for meat eater he was wearing these clothes like what's what's going on with that?
What do you got there and he's like this is Kuyu this is this new company?
It's out there this feel this feel that feel this is ultra light is the best kind of fabric
So he started telling me about your company and I just love when people go for it
I love when people like people wouldn't think that there's like this big market to create
The most technical most ridiculously engineered hunting clothes you would say well what the fuck who's doing that like we're who cares?
Yeah, exactly who needs it but then listening to you guys on a couple of podcasts like these guys are fucking sharp dudes