Episode Transcript: #827 - Twitter Q&A with Joe
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Hey, you fuckers. What's going on, everybody? Comedy dates I got coming on September the 9th.
I am going to be at the Masonic Auditorium in Cleveland. I'm pretty sure Joey Diaz is doing
that with me. He said he wanted to. I have to confirm. But September 9th, I'm definitely going
to be there at the Masonic Auditorium. No, it doesn't mean I had to become a Freemason. But
Masonic Auditorium, Cleveland, September 9th, joerogan.net forward slash tour. And also
next Friday, the 5th of August, I'm going to be at the Ice House in Pasadena. I don't have
the lineup yet, but a bunch of local guys, a bunch of awesome comics from the Hlochengeles
area. And, all right, ads. What do I got left? ZipRecruiter. ZipRecruiter.
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