Episode Transcript: #832 - Vinny Shoreman
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We're live. That always sounds so fake. It's always hard to get these things started. It's always hard to just start talking.
Not hard, but I'm learning from you that the way you define things in your own mind.
It's all about the language. It's all about the language you use.
Yeah, the way you define things can oftentimes shape exactly how those things manifest themselves in real life, right?
Yeah, you say more about yourself than what you actually know. That's where mind coaching comes in.
You say more about yourself?
Yeah, well, you give away a lot. Sometimes it doesn't make sense.
They're talking about something and they're saying that they're really positive about something and then you think, well, that doesn't match up.
It's a bit like a barking pig. Pigs don't bark. That doesn't make sense.
That's how I define it anyway.
A barking pig.
A barking pig.
That one I had to throw through the filter. I'm like, huh? What the fuck is she talking about?
Magic mushroom days, I'm afraid.
Yeah, it's a very interesting thing we just did. We just did something called timeline therapy.
That you were telling me about, that Joe Schilling told me about. Ian McCall got really interested in it.
And for folks who've never heard of Vinny before, Vinny's been on the podcast before. Vinny's a mental coach and a hypnotist.
And before our first session, the last time you came on the podcast, I was like, I don't know about all this hypnotist stuff.
Maybe it was just a bunch of fucking crazy people and people talk to them.