Episode Transcript: #858 - Jesse Ventura
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first of all mr ventura i'm a big fan but i'm an even bigger fan now that i know that you're
pro fanny pack this is huge for me i've been trying to bring back the fanny pack for years
i've been nothing but ridicule yeah shame i sent my way i find that strange because
i'm a huge fan i care i i have one locked in my hotel right now in the safe
you know you give they give you little safes in the room well i carry my passport in it i carry
the things that i need to travel if i'm doing airline travel my schedules i carry two sets of
reading glasses yeah i carry my sunglasses yeah what could be better than a fanny pack to carry
all that i don't have that sucker well i don't in the tray i don't have the you know i tend to wear
my pants a little tight and i can't put things in the pocket things break when they get in the pocket
no i'm a huge fanny pack advocate i've i've worn them now for i bet 20 years i've had them me too
and uh now you have one of ours yep happy to take it thank you thank you i'm honored it's a superior
way to carry your stuff and i'll put it to use thank you well and i also i've stated this in
minnesota i have legit conceal and carry where i can carry a weapon right where do you think i carry
it in your fanny pack exactly that's right well they make fanny packs specifically that velcro open
instantaneously they pop right open yep well if i'm if i'm not wearing my shoulder holster it's in
my fanny pack do you i mean how does that work do you you're only allowed to conceal carry in
minnesota and if you go state to state no no many of the states now are honoring the others i see you
got to check though but generally speaking if you have concealed pretty much across the country now
for most part if you have a legitimate conceal and carry in your home state the other states will