Episode Transcript: #865 - Wim Hof
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Jamie's too hot in here turn the AC up crank that bitch get it down to zero
I'm just kidding
My man what's happening baby welcome back. Hey, you brought notes
Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't want to repeat myself since the last time because oh
You're the only guest ever in the history of this podcast that has brought notes to make sure they don't repeat themselves
Yes, this is the first time I do a podcast dislike or any other interview
I never go programmed or premeditated or prepared whatsoever
Just jump in but I think this is much more important. It's Joe Rogan man
And the Iceman man. Yes, and you are a big window and I'm still on the mission
Trying to get it out to everybody that we are able to do so much more and
You know, it's all natural what we do. So there is no money attached to it and
It's a it's a struggle to get it out there
But we got more and more scientific evidence
Piling up and I'm here to present new insights
Well, I think that you're winning the struggle for sure because I hear about you all the time
I hear about you all the time from people that have heard about you from my podcast and people that say do you know this guy?
And I say yeah, he's been on my podcast. I know him. So the message is getting out 100% Wow
And that's a bio parameter for me. Thanks for sharing that I will do you feel it though? Don't you? Oh, yeah
Right this morning. I was talking to Tony Robbins. Oh shit, and he wants to like cooperate