Episode Transcript: #869 - Dave Rubin
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and we're live dave rubin what a time to be alive joe i am so excited to be here because you could
have selected anybody i mean it ends tomorrow it does end tomorrow supposedly allegedly unless uh
maybe jill stein wins no no i'm talking about the world i mean it is over i don't mean the election
i mean the whole game is up tomorrow you could have had anybody you're a pretty powerful guy
powerful joe well i enjoy your company sir well i appreciate that but you could think of all the
philosophers you could have had the thinkers the artists too much work instead you went with me
for the last show so i'm gonna bring it i already i have notes i busted out the notepad well i believe
the end of the world is tomorrow so you're you're the preview to the end of the world so i feel like
you're gonna offer some well hopefully together we're gonna offer some perspective and uh we're
gonna get a look at this thing yeah well i already pounded two of these bad boys so i am ready
dude this fucking thing of 270 milligrams of caffeine well it's in a small can so i thought
it was it seems like it seems small but if it was that much acid think about what it would do to you
you really have to think about it that way yeah i did acid once yeah only one time i did it once
last week yeah did you really do it awesome yeah i've done it uh three times i only did it this year
for the first time but i've done it three times this year really yeah and you feel like all the doors
the hinges of the brain they're still going i don't know if they were any good at all before
i think i'm gluing them up it's like caulk for my brain yeah i did i shroom many times you know over
the years i did acid once did not like it at all every time i closed my eyes at these like three
dimensional triangles flying at me like i could not you know when you just can't stop your brain like
i felt that there was no end to it shrooms it's always like very natural and nice and pleasant