Episode Transcript: #941 - Greg Fitzsimmons
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We're just we're about as lucky as human beings ever get to be
Do do do do do
Are we live?
Audio wise we live on podcast wise Greg and I were just talking about Greg for people don't know Greg Fitzsimmons
And I have been friends for like 28 years 28 years dude. We're all as fuck god
We started out as raw open micers almost exactly at the same time
Yeah, but I was dreaming about it since I was a kid
When did you when did you think that you it might be something you want to do?
Like because I was grabbing microphones when I was fucking eight
Telling jokes into them. No shit. That's awesome. What about you?
Oh man, it wasn't until I was like 21 like right before I did it like maybe 20 or 21
And one of the reasons for it is a guy still a good friend of mine. His name's Steve Graham
He was an ophthalmologist and he was this guy who was just this he's such a
Fucking wild man like I've met some people that purport
They sort of pretend to be wild men this guy is the wildest dude
I've ever met my life, but a super smart super nice guy. Yeah, and he was on the US ski team
Okay, and when he described his ski run that he did to make the team
He said like at any moment time I would have crashed and any see you it's like I was barely hung on the whole way and had this
Ridiculous time that I could never do again. He was like laughing about it
Dude had like I know I'm gonna fuck this up Steve if you hear this