Episode Transcript: Fight Companion - April 28, 2018
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Boom boom boom boom boom boom $15.00
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Boom and we're live ladies and gentlemen live moral runallow and big John McCarty
Eddie Bravo rock in the old school illio Gracie shirt. I love that shirt respect deep respect
Branding motherfucking shop. Oh, and I got a sugar Sean O'Malley shirt
I might strip down later and put this motherfucker. Is that the best shirt Reebok's ever made?
Might be one of the dopest shirt. It's pretty great. It's pretty great Reebok Reebok's getting better, man
I'll give it to him. I'm wearing pair Reebok's right. Oh, no, I thought I was
Not I thought I was for a second to have to tell you had him on earlier today
Reebok's I'm you about show sneakers, but that's a dope shirt right there
You know me. I was super critical on them for a while. They're getting way better man. Yeah way better
This is good that they when they posted that I got my boy who works at Reebok. I sent a screenshot
Goddamn you guys hit this one out of the park. They're embracing it. They're embracing the fact that he's a stoner like a heavy-duty
Yeah, it's just a fun shirt
What go to his Instagram dude's getting high all day. Did you see him on the last fight?
Well, he just takes time off. You don't have to take much time off anymore three weeks or something. Oh two weeks two days two days
Yeah, really? Yeah, a new use out of rules. You just can't be high when you fight depending where you fight though, right?
Because there's some issues coming up. I forget which state they do a different probably Texas the commissions are faders
So Dylan Dennis this is not his MMA debut