Fight Companion - February 21, 2016 cover

Episode Transcript: Fight Companion - February 21, 2016

NaN minutesEpisode #N/A
Brendan SchaubIan McCallEddie Bravo

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Current time: 00:00:00

and we're live the dada 5000 fan club for its first big meeting cowboy serrone fighting another


cowboy cowboy alivera alivera um we are live this is a fight companion if you've never heard one of


these before and you're like oh i'm hoping a podcast we're going to talk about space or maybe


perhaps birth control no uh this podcast is mostly mostly bullshitting like we kind of talk about


the fights that are happening but maybe not uh edgy bra is here aka eddie bravo aka master of 10th


planet jujitsu holla uh thank you for having me this is uh it's an honor to be here ian


motherfucking mccall creepy in the house holla what up bitches holla i'm covered in fucking ham


grease i love it yeah this stuff's good this is from uh dr chris ryan it is nice it's really good


for you too it's a wild ham that they uh cure it and then of course a brand new shop he's here


big daddy that's his new name big daddy that's a few hours ago straight from the hospital yeah


so we're for some fights jerek brunson here we go who's he fighting tonight


he's fighting uh homeboy the the brazilian cat oh that guy oh the one with the nose in the face


there you go on garnero oh he's got good jujitsu really good jujitsu and he's been around for a


long time yeah he took a long time off the ufc right yeah he got cut yeah i was down in the second


stint yeah he fought mark munoz in his last outing and rear naked chokes just looks like mark munoz just


does not want to do it anymore we retired yeah i'm glad he did me too man that guy took some


horrible beatings that machida one really the wide man machida one yeah mark's issue was you know mark


was the captain of our team mark's issue was blue i mean he blew the fuck up between fights he's a


filipino i mean we're talking he was just i mean he fought at 185 maybe 240 250 but not like cool 240 250


he was like butter bean what was he eating everything his feelings his feelings was did

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