Fight Companion - January 9, 2020 cover

Episode Transcript: Fight Companion - January 9, 2020

NaN minutesEpisode #N/A
Eddie BravoBryan CallenBrendan Schaub

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Current time: 00:00:00

Happy New Year friends. Happy New Year. Oh shit.


The boys. Good to see you. Brian Count is allegedly on the way. We've got all kinds of


libations here. And what the fuck were we just talking about? I said save it. I said


don't say it. World War II. Bodies. What do they do with the bodies?


Before that though. There was something before that. Mines. Fields. Sides of Paris. No, it


was even before that. Oh, meat carnivore diet. Oh, okay. Maybe it's that. Yeah.


So I'm 10 days in I think. Something like that stays a ninth. So I'm 11 days in. I


started a couple of days before and I've been eating nothing but meat. Bacon, steak, elk


meat, a lot of extra fat. If I eat the elk meat I eat a lot of bacon. How's that cholesterol son?


I don't know. I got my blood work done last Monday. I'll get the results back soon and


then I'm gonna do it again at the end of the month. But I've already lost seven pounds.


You feel good? Dude, I feel slim. You look good when you came in. I was like yeah, he's looking tight.


I lost my belly. I had a gut. I was getting a gut. This is where I get fat instantly. Right here.


It goes right here and then it starts pushing out. I think all dudes do, right? I don't know. Some


people get in their face. I get in my face too. I feel it in my face when I'm washing my face.


My face feels smaller. Oh, totally. I get in both. Yeah. But that's where you feel your face.


You're like damn, my face feels smaller. You know the shape of your face. Can you wash your face


every day? So you get in there and you're like oh, this is like Wes face. Also a fat face is a


bummer. It's a bummer. I'm probably gonna have been ever like 190 right now. Jesus. Yeah. But


here's the thing that's good about it. I'll tell you what's bad about it first. Diarrhea is rough

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