Fight Companion - June 20, 2015 cover

Episode Transcript: Fight Companion - June 20, 2015

NaN minutesEpisode #N/A
Brendan SchaubBryan CallenTony Hinchcliffe

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Current time: 00:00:00

companion podcast if you've never heard one of these podcasts before don't expect us to even pay


attention to the fights sometimes we do it sometimes we're like oh great joe's gonna do


commentary nope brendan's not doing commentary calen's not doing commentary i will do commentary


because i know nothing about the fights he'll pretend that he uh is giving strategy advice


that wouldn't really work exactly but uh what we do is we watch the fights and uh you can sync it up


um right now it's the first fight who is this this is hein and boy try saying this name is that hein


nick hein versus lukas sedjewski yeah sedjewski there he is there's lukas sedjewski who's my favorite


fighter who ends in a ski there um this is the first fight on the main card who's that guy there


the guy on the left yeah fabulous viking character with tattooed thumbs it's a great look he's not


tall tattooed thumb he's got tattooed thumbs he's built built a little like me running out there


is lukas and uh so like i said we we might talk about this fight or it might be diarrhea talk


maybe you never know sex drugs and podcasts that your new shirt yeah yeah nice fighter and the kid


killing it thank you to brendan schaub our designer our chief designer fighter and the i go like


this he asked me my opinion i go i don't know maybe and he goes oh i'm not asking your opinion just


showing them to you and i just i don't hear back from him i'm like i have an opinion i said i said


you have the fashion sense of anne frank literally i was dead serious that's a very interesting holocaust


uh reference that was i was very surprised that you can't see what she's wearing very similar to


you well no no no now you're you're confusing anne frank with helen keller that's right unfortunately


i said damn it i said how are we going why did you have to go there why do i have to go there we're doing so well


ah shit anne frank would be great if you were wearing camo in an attic right and exactly

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