Episode Transcript: Fight Companion - May 27, 2018
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Three two one
Bam we're live we got up early as a motherfucker ladies and gentlemen not really that's 10 a.m
You didn't we do one at like 4 a.m. Before we didn't want at 5 a.m.
There's a four damn it was a four it was a is a England card right was it
Something as you have to call it or something come on
It might have been China. It might have been China like what time make sense in Africa right now is it yesterday?
I think it's there
I forgot he knocked out Whitaker. We're looking at Wonder Boy stopping Whitaker. That's yeah, that's big at 70
Yeah, but that was Whitaker was diminished man getting down to 170 was a fucking battle for you
Look at Wonder Boy what he's accomplished. It's so impressive
Amazing all the indicators would point that Wonder Boy should win this fight, but I don't I'm on the fence man
Well, I think till really is a bad bad man
There's no question about it, but he did come up real short on the way in which really bums me out now
I had heard that his pregnant girlfriend is in this is what everyone's saying is in the hospital
And then she's had some serious issues and he's been going back and forth to the hospital and he hasn't
Just didn't have a chance to cut the weight right a lot of people claim, you know
That that's exactly what the what the issue was. I don't know that drama is never good
Especially your first main card main event in your hometown against Wonder Boy
Yeah, there's enough pressure as it is well the cowboy fight was a big pressure fight
But he rose the occasion really though was it was it because we didn't know who he was really