Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #10 with Tyron Woodley
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Doo doo doo.
And we're live. We're live with the champ.
We're live. We're live with the champ.
What's up, man? How are you?
I'm chilling, man. How you doing, brother?
You look better than anybody I've ever seen
just a couple of weeks out of shoulder surgery.
I'm a savage, man.
You're walking around like there's nothing going on.
They took my savage stem cells out of my own damn back
and they threw them in my shoulder.
Out of your back?
The hip bone, right, the fuck.
Bone marrow, they got in there.
Synth refuse, spun them, shot them into my shoulder and shit.
I should have a sling on, but I'm out Tuesday anyway,
so I kind of prematurely decided to come out of the sling.
Oh, so you're supposed to be out of the sling in six days?
Yeah, so I'm like, no, no.