JRE MMA Show #12 with Ben Askren cover

Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #12 with Ben Askren

NaN minutesEpisode #12
Ben Askren

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Current time: 00:00:00

Yeah my oldest one's super. Here we go five four three two one. Ben Askern


ladies and gentlemen. Dude I've talked about you on this podcast at least a


dozen times. You are the number one guy that I'm most disappointed never fought


in UFC. Yeah I was good whenever you talk about me I get like 15 tax like hey


Joe's talking about you now and you know they'll send me clips or whatever so


obviously appreciate that but yeah I never I never really got to fight those


top guys and it was for reasons beyond my control. Yeah and you're done now. Yeah


I so I said I said I don't want to say I'm done period I said I'm done


excluding the fact that I get to fight and prove I'm number one that would be


the excluding fact. So if you could get in the UFC you'd be willing to do it again.


I mean I don't care where it is right I really genuinely don't and obviously


that would be the the thing that makes sense but there is legislation like the


Ali act and the things going through so I don't know that maybe you know I'm


still 33 so I'm not old and you know GSP took four years off yeah from one fight


to next fight so I'm not gonna say I'm an age overnight. Well your style too you


avoided so much damage. I didn't get hit once until 2017 so yeah I didn't


get hit once yeah three fights. So yeah I that was should tell people you were


fighting in one FC which is a big Asian organization it's like the Asian version


of the UFC. Yeah so one FC started in 2012 I think obviously my contract with


Bellatrix came up in 2013 and then there was a negotiation process and so

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