Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #16 with Brendan Schaub
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Get me all the time
I wish we could tell you what we were talking about
Yeah, we were talking about Joey getting in trouble though. He just texted me about it
How's Joey Diaz get in trouble with what the MMA community MMA outlets? They have nothing to do. Well, here's the thing though I
See where they're coming from they're they're journalists
If someone says something that fucking outrageous about what Mackenzie Dern's
Darriere must he said I think your ass smells great right now
Yes, something on those lines. Oh, you're talking about the comic uncle Joey said this
Yes, the comic uncle Joey, but I get it
I get where they would and then Vinnie Magaleta's backed him up. I get it backed up Joey
Yeah, he backed up Joey's like and tasty to yikes. Yeah yikes. I get it
Don't get it. That's Joey Diaz the great comic who's commenting on a hot girl in the UFC
He is not a writer. He's not a journalist. These writers have nothing to do. So they're like, how can we get hits?
Let's talk about Joey Diaz, right? Because no one's reading any of our shit
I agree with you in somewhat, but he definitely did do it like it ain't a bad. Here's my thing
They could say whatever they want about what he said
But if he was your friend and he texted you that you would do what I did
I'll show you he fucking texted me that before
Of course, I love the Joey text now Joey never would text message
Oh, I hope he doesn't keep it. He is a full-on text. Is he he still calls though