JRE MMA Show #19 with Vinny Shoreman & Liam Harrison cover

Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #19 with Vinny Shoreman & Liam Harrison

NaN minutesEpisode #19
Vinny ShoremanLiam Harrison

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Boom and we're live with my pal Vinnie Shorman an eight-time world Muay Thai champion Liam Harrison


Yeah, thank you for having me. Yeah, dude. Great to be here. Great to see you guys. Yeah, we love it


Listen man, I'm a big fan of all combat sports, but I really believe that if there's one sport that doesn't get it to do


It's Muay Thai. I really don't understand why it hasn't taken off in America. I don't get it


Love boxing boxing is a lot of fun. I think Muay Thai is twice as fun


Yeah, it's twice as hard as well


I think I mean I fought pro boxing and I've had over under Muay Thai fights


It's definitely a lot harder


I mean is getting more mainstream now along with the MMA because most the top and may fighters are doing Muay Thai for the


Stand-up, but it's still not where it needs to be and when you it's weird, right?


Yeah, I mean, I think what puts a lot of people off Muay Thai is the


Maybe the two-minute break and also the two-minute breaking between rounds


Yeah, and the traditional music and stuff like that people find that hard to take to really which is


I mean, I love it. So I don't see that problem, but I can see outside the box with that as well


So I feel like the two-minute break gives guys more of a chance to recover


Yeah, which makes the fights more exciting you have more energy and I don't care about the


Dance the Y crew that doesn't bother me. Yeah, you're a fan. I your martial arts fan


I am but baseball baseball so fucking


It's crazy how boring it is a lot of shows in England now they started to cut out the all the traditional stuff


There's no Ram away to no y crew you get in the ring your face off

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