Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #20 with Yves Edwards
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And we're live.
Evenwards ladies and gentlemen.
You're one of those dudes that has that book cover for your phone.
I tried to rock the book cover.
After a while I'm like, what am I doing here with this extra step?
I gotta open up a book to get to my phone.
I like it because I forget things a lot.
So, like, I don't like having a wallet and a phone.
When I leave somewhere, like especially even in the house,
I leave the house on my phone but I don't have my cash on my card.
I just don't get that.
I got a solution for you.
It's called a motherfucking fanny pack.
That's right, Evenwards.
You're a cool dude.
You think you're cool enough to rock one of these?
Like, are you cool enough to get past the social pariah aspect
of this bag that you wear around your waist?
I don't have that much shit with me most of the time.
It's not that much shit.