Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #47 with Tyson Fury
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Boom and we're live. How are you brother? What's going on? I'm good. Good to see you pull this sucker up to you
Boom. How's that? Good. I'm very excited about your fight man. Very excited not as excited as I am to be here
I'm sure what how often is it that to undefeated?
I mean you're not a heavyweight champ because they stripped you but you never lost to undefeated heavyweight champions go out it like this
This is a huge fight very much so it's never ever happened before ever. It's pretty exciting someone too as big as us
I've never ever fought each other
What do you think of I mean for people who don't know your fight in Deontay Wilder who's an American
undefeated knockout artist and you are
Probably one of the more interesting guys in the heavyweight division not just because your personality
But your skill set the way you move your long and tall
But you got great footwork and you're fast, you know, it's a very very interesting fight as far as like boxing technique
It's power raw power versus boxing skill
two guys one six foot nine one six foot seven
Both charismatic both talkers one British one American it doesn't get any bigger than this
This is the biggest fight that could be made at this time in the heavyweight division or in the world of boxing
When you watch Deontay Wilder move around there's nobody that moves like that guy so odd
Like it reminds me of Bambi on ice
He doesn't really find his legs underneath him
Sometimes he throws and he's got no legs underneath them. He's just he's swinging and literally he's flying through the air as he's punching
I've seen him fall over a few times as well