Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #58 with Brendan Schaub
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five four three two
Would luck dude I brought you to the dark side now you're playing quick. I got my ass. What?
Yeah, well you were in a fucking melee. There's three other dudes in there blasting. It's a one-on-one map that maps chaos
So fun though. How fun is that shit? It reminds me of golden eyes. Did you ever get into that? How dare you first?
64 that's a great game that game can suck all the dicks you're using those stupid Xbox things
You know controller house and keyboard is where you're at. That's why you're getting fucked up
You know how to move it was hard for me to move back and forth
It was a controller game on
What yeah, yeah, cuz nobody can move yeah if nobody can move then you're all right with control
Listen did that fucking that games chaos Jamie and I've been going back and forth for fucking four or five days now
You'd be surprised there are a couple guys that can compete a few that can compete with the mouse and keyboard
I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure they can but they have zero life and they don't even know what a pussy looks like
But quick quick is old school quakes old school right yeah
We're on quake 4 but there's quake champions that you play online
We've been playing quake 4 because we could set it up on what's called a local area network a land and it's real easy
And there's no latency. It's just direct from computer to computer. It's fun
Just thinking the one guy he's a he's really aggressive workout, dude
What's that the guy that I'm thinking of he's out. He's a video game player very hot. He's really good. He has names Nick Marks
I'm only I'm sure he gets pussy. There's some good-looking dudes. Yeah, I'm sure there are I'm sure there are but it's not fun to say