Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #59 with Kamaru Usman
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And we're live.
What's up?
How are you?
What's up, Joe?
Dude, you're a roller coaster ride.
What does it like to be the champ?
What's the feeling like?
This is fresh for you.
Well, first of all, I just want to say man,
it's such an honor to be here.
The honor is mine?
I never, I'm gonna be honest.
I'm, my thing is I'm just gonna be 100% totally transparent.
I was never, I never really watched the show.
I never really kind of heard of the show.
Of course I heard of you and all the things you do.
I'm like, oh yeah, it's Fairfactor guy, you know?
But I never really heard of the show until like,
after like a fight or two in the UFC