Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #73 with Jean Jacques Machado
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Boom and we're live.
Jean Jacques.
Joe Hogan.
Pull this up.
Pull this up like a...
It's been quite some time but we made it.
Yeah, we made it.
We made it happen.
People still to this day, all my friends call me Joe Hogan because of you.
I don't know man.
Joe Hogan.
That's a funny Brazilian thing, you know, the Portuguese translation of ours to H's.
I think when we speak English you have to use your tongue in a way that in Portuguese we are just flat out.
But you use Rio.
You don't say Rio, right?
Do you say Rio?
No, Rio.
How does that work?
Somehow, it's in Portuguese the first two letters are the strongest one in the world.