Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #74 with Brendan Schaub
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Do do do do do do no no whiskey bro. Do you want some yeah?
Yeah, why not bro you've had a long day. Let's stay drink. Yeah. Let's get a little
Okay, you are not
Okay, Jamie's gonna get the booze look at that. Jamie leaves the salon to get the booze. Thank you Jamie real real Pro gets a nice tooth
Beautiful so a lot of fucking shit going on man. A lot of shit going on. How about that Colby Covington, fellow?
Uh-huh, bro.
Dude, everybody better shut the fuck up now.
He's for real.
He's for real.
Anybody who didn't think he was for real after that
Robbie Lawler fight, you got to go, wow.
Well, the problem is, is he talks so much shit,
which I find hilarious.
And it's, you're tuning in to watch him lose,
which is he's doing it right.
Cause in all honesty, we like him cause we're balls deep
in UFC and MMA.
But like my brother, who's not that big of a fan is like,
this is all he does.
I'm like, I know you got to understand though,