Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #82 with Israel Adesanya
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Three two
Ladies and gentlemen the champ is here my man. Salute. Salute last time. I am my time
Last time you were here
You were neither the interim nor the undisputed now you got it all have the double interim champ. You got it
Why why say you keep saying that double interim double interim? I don't know cuz
Winnickers the champ. Yeah, he was not the champ because when I was there, you know
I've even my last five
I feel like it's my first title defense to be honest because I was waiting for something to change
I was waiting for that feeling that I had in Atlanta
When never came and within three days I was like I felt like I just defended the belt because technically I was the champ as well
I was the champ and he feared beat me here to go one of those rubies you put on this
So I'm looking for my Ruby as well. They get a Ruby. Yeah, like that's a thing. You don't get you know
I used to get a new belt. Yeah, you don't get a new belt anymore. So what they do is they you send this off
This isn't actually my one my one. I've sent it off
This isn't yours. Yeah, but you sent yours already
I sent this plaque off this plaque on the side and then you send it off
Then they put a Ruby and send it back to you. They put a Ruby in the plaque. Yeah, so you collect like the infinity stones or whatever
And so I got the soul
Yeah, dude, I used to not like this belt now. I like it better. It's grown
Yeah, it's like maybe two days after everyone complained about it and I looked at it and I when I first saw it