Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #99 with Francis Ngannou
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Showing by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day.
Welcome Francis.
Thank you Joe.
Glad we finally did this.
Oh finally.
Well your English has improved drastically.
Thank you.
I think that's why I wanted to wait a little bit before come.
I'm like well I'm not sure if I will handle that.
You know sometimes I listen to the podcast and I'm like basically when you're talking about different podcasts, different topics, I'm kind of like lost some time.
Like okay what does this mean, what does that mean, you know.
But now I feel a little bit comfortable.
Yeah you're much, well it's easy to talk to you now.
I remember when you first went to UFC I interviewed you and you didn't know what the fuck I was saying.
Nothing like hey.
Growing up I went to school like elementary school and middle school and we were learning English.
I know some few words like water and stuff but just my accent was just so different than when I came here.
My first UFC event was in Orlando and I couldn't even hear people like water.
Like the accent was just so different.