Episode Transcript: Podcast from a Car
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Hey everybody, this episode of the podcast is brought to you by Onnit.com.
That's O-N-N-I-T.
Onnit is a total human optimization website.
What that means is we try to provide you with all the stuff you need to get your shit together.
What do I mean by that?
I mean, well, things that you pay for and things you don't even have to pay for.
Things you don't even have to pay for, like the Onnit Academy.
If you click on the Onnit Academy link on the O-N-N-I-T.com website, it is full of all sorts of inspiration.
Videos, workouts, recipes, diet and training advice.
All sorts of cool shit to get you inspired, to get you on the right track, both mentally and physically.
And, of course, we provide you with the tools to do that.
We sell strength and conditioning equipment, including our famous primal bells, which are artistic kettlebells that are all great apes of various weights and shapes.
And, of course, the legend kettlebells, too.
We have a werewolf.
We have zombies.
All sorts of cool shit, including hemp force protein powder.
Our flagship supplement, Alpha Brain.
I can't even say it.
It makes me so nervous.
Alpha Brain.