Episode Transcript: #1101 - Chris & Mark Bell
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Three, two, one.
Is that a gun?
That's a real gun?
Gentlemen, we're live.
We are live.
What's going on?
How are you, fuckers?
Doing great, man.
It's great to be on the show again.
Great to have you guys here.
You know, I was watching your Instagram the other day and I was looking at you with fake
hips doing crazy fucking heavy deadlifts, man.
That's amazing.
I am starting to deadlift a little bit more because I've been doing this carnivore diet
and I feel great and there's no reason not to, right?
So I just figured if I can do it and it doesn't hurt, then why not?
So I was going up to about 400 pounds, but I think I can still, I think I can even get
stronger now.
So what I'm so happy about is this is something squatting and deadlifting.
It's something that was part of my life all growing up.