#1318 - Hotep Jesus cover

#1318 - Hotep Jesus

NaN minutesEpisode #1318

Hotep Jesus is a tech investor, marketer and author. His book "Dominate Twitter" is available on

Episodes with Hotep Jesus

Watch the full episode of #1318 - Hotep Jesus.

Episode Timestamps

  • Hotel Jesus - A Spiritual Awakening on Twitter

    • The origin of the name 'Hotel Jesus' came from a spiritual awakening while tweeting on Twitter.
    • Discussion about the process of verifying accounts on social media platforms like Twitter.
    • Exploring the influence of social media platforms in controlling content and promoting advertisers' interests.
  • Social Media Control and Freedom of Expression

    • Analysis of social media algorithms favoring certain content and promoting specific viewpoints.
    • Exploring the concept of free speech and how tech companies impact online discussions.
    • Discussion on the power dynamics on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube in shaping public discourse.
  • Creating Alternative Platforms for Creators: Seizing Opportunities and Building Tools

    • Embracing the challenge of building alternative platforms for creators to receive donations in Bitcoin, circumventing issues faced by existing platforms like Patreon
    • Focusing on long-term solutions by collaborating with Andrew Torbo to develop tools for creators
    • Highlighting the importance of building email lists as a communication tool to connect with the audience
  • Free Speech, Content Moderation, and Platform Competition: Navigating Complex Issues

    • Exploring the challenges of managing free speech platforms amidst manipulative efforts and content moderation
    • Discussing the dilemma faced by tech companies in balancing free speech and preventing manipulation, especially during elections
    • Reflecting on the importance of addressing problems as opportunities for growth and innovation
  • Early Social Media Platforms and User Content: Text America and the Evolution of Photography

    • Text America was an early platform where users could post pictures and text messages.
    • It predated smartphone era and required users to go to a website to view photos.
    • The platform was distinct from modern social media feeds as it didn't have a follower system.
  • Morals vs. Money: Social Media Influencers and Ethics

    • Many influencers prioritize profit over personal beliefs, raising questions about authenticity.
    • The conversation revolves around choosing between morals and financial gain on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
    • Different strategies for audience engagement are discussed, highlighting the role of buzzwords and authenticity.
  • The Evolution of Standard Oil and Impact on Monopolies

    • Standard Oil Company of 1911, broken up into 34 companies. Analysis of consolidation and market cornering.
    • Discussion on breaking up monopolies and its impact on control dynamics.
    • Speculations on similarities with Google and potential outcomes.
  • Freedom of Speech and Deplatforming Controversies

    • Importance of freedom of speech in online platforms and censorship challenges.
    • Personal experience defending white nationalists and opposing deplatforming.
    • Implications of social media giants banning individuals based on political inclinations.
  • James & Simone Discuss Launching Gif Downloader App on Twitter

    • Ultimate twitter gif downloader named GiFIT launched by James
    • Plans to introduce a gallery feature soon
    • Empowering users to save and share reaction gifs
  • Evolution of Social Media & Importance of Network Building

    • Discussion about evolution of social media since 2003
    • Twitter's role in breaking news and information dissemination
    • Importance of developing an independent platform and network
  • Discussion on Soy, Estrogen, Proud Boys, and Endocrine Glands

    • Talks about the negative effects of soy on the endocrine gland system
    • Mentions the role of phytoestrogens in disrupting sexual maturity
    • Discusses the potential link between soy consumption and health issues like cancer
  • Degradation of Morality, Addiction to Pleasure, and Instagram Influence

    • Explores the concept of ruling elite pushing behaviors like addiction to pleasure
    • Discusses the impact of social media platforms like Instagram on societal behavior
    • Highlights the shift towards sexual content and degradation of moral values in social media
  • Managing Sexual Energy for Discipline - Impact on Behavior

    • Discussing the impact of managing sexual energy on discipline and behavior.
    • Exploring the relationship between staying disciplined and attracting women.
    • Highlighting the importance of channeling energy into productive tasks.
  • Ejaculation Frequency and the Body's Responses

    • Examining the effects of different ejaculation frequencies on testosterone levels.
    • Explaining the risks of excessive ejaculation and its impact on energy levels.
    • Comparing the benefits of controlled ejaculation with the frequency of sex.
  • Women and Hobbies: Impact of Consumerism

    • Majority of women struggle to have hobbies due to being influenced by consumerism
    • A hobby is defined as something that helps develop individuality and personal growth
    • Encouragement for women to engage in activities that bring focus and self-improvement
  • Visualizing Goals through Chess and Personal Growth

    • Discussion on the path to becoming a chess master and the levels of achievement
    • Exploration of visualization and manifestation of desires through chess
    • Importance for women to reconnect with spirituality and intuitive nature for personal development
  • Journey to Working with 50 Cent and Carmelo Anthony

    • Started off by working with 50 Cent and later with Carmelo Anthony
    • Discussed the challenges faced to work with successful figures
    • Emphasized the importance of defeating doubt and self-discipline
  • Manifesting Success and Opportunities

    • Desire to be like Elon Musk and Bill Gates
    • Shared experience of entering the tech industry without millions
    • Discussed manifestation through intention and belief in the universe
  • Exploring Astral Body and Council of Dead People

    • The concept of the astral body is used for long-distance communication, time travel, and gaining inspiration.
    • In 'Thinking Grow Rich,' the idea of creating a council of deceased individuals is discussed.
    • Envisioning meetings with figures like Malcolm X, Tupac, and Nipsey Hussle to gather inspiration and insights.
  • Practicing Astral Projection and Utilizing Skills

    • Using the astral body to project oneself into another space or 'happy place for manifestation.
    • Emphasizing the importance of acquiring diverse skills and knowledge for future application.
    • Engaging intuition and spirituality for problem-solving and decision-making processes.
  • Coffee Reparations and Fox News Appearance

    • Engaging in a Starbucks video confrontation about racism and receiving online criticism
    • Successfully manifesting a Fox News appearance by creating controversy
    • Discussing the motive behind the Fox News appearance and the interest in a black man seeking reparations
  • Reparations Debate and African History Education

    • Engaging in a debate about reparations with a young intellect named CJ Pearson
    • Debating on the importance of teaching African history to elevate black community consciousness
    • Exploring the need for black individuals to know their historical roots for empowerment
  • Native Tribes and Slavery

    • Discussion on natives trading slaves with the so-called white man
    • Debating the history of slavery and origins of African Americans
    • Exploring the concept of importing slaves versus utilizing existing population
  • Influence of European Colonization

    • Impact of alliances with White colonizers on native tribes
    • Debunking the narrative of African slaves brought over on ships
    • Highlighting discrepancies in historical accounts and genetic origins
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade Database Analysis by Professors David Eltis and David Richerson

    • Estimates from the database suggest 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the new world between 1525 and 1866.
    • Only about 388,000 of the 10.7 million survived Africans were directly shipped to North America.
    • Discussion on the probability of a significant population of Africans already being in the Americas before Columbus.
  • Evidence of Ancient Cross-Continental Travel and Settlements: South America to North America

    • Discussion of archaeological evidence suggesting advanced civilizations in North and South America before European contact.
    • Exploration of potential connections between ancient Egypt and locations in the Americas.
    • Consideration of migration routes and populations before documented history.
  • Discussion on Lineage and Migration

    • Debate on the African roots of a specific person
    • Mention of Sephardic people in Northern Africa
    • Reference to migrations of people from Kiev, Russia into Africa
  • Sandstone Capital & Lost Civilizations

    • Ohio as the sandstone capital of the world
    • Historical use of sandstone for various constructions
    • Controversy surrounding potential lost Egyptian civilization in the US
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