#1318 - Hotep Jesus cover

Episode Transcript: #1318 - Hotep Jesus

NaN minutesEpisode #1318
Hotep Jesus

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Current time: 00:00:00

Two one boom hotel Jesus. How are you sir? I?


Always wanted to say that wanted to call somebody that I need that drop


How the fuck do you get a name like hotel Jesus? How'd that come about? It wasn't my idea? You know, I was uh, I


Just went through my spiritual awakening. I just know the industry and I went through like that mace thing


You know you go to what are you doing with the headgear? We got a lot going on up there. I had to tie my head down


It's the black thing man


So you have so spiritual awakening yeah, I had this spiritual awakening and I'm you know tweeting on Twitter like I do right and


Somebody said what do you think you are some kind of hotel Jesus?


Yes, I do think I'm hotel Jesus. That's perfect. Then now you own it now that person is probably like fuck


God damn it. That was a great name. I gave that dude


Yeah, I don't know who that person is or was or where they are now shout out to whoever you are exactly and vibe


Hi, you're Twitter. Why didn't you switch it to hotel Jesus? Can you switch it? Ah?


Does anybody own hotel Jesus? I do you so you have hotel Jesus on Twitter, too. Yeah, I reserved it


Oh, dude, I think they could probably swap. Do you have a little one of them cute little blue check marks yet? No


No, what the fuck is that? How do you get one of those? I don't know


There's some people that have those that have like a thousand followers. Yeah, how you getting like if you work for the New York Times


I thought you had those up


Joe and then I get verified. I don't know how Twitter feels about me. I


Mean, I think Jack likes me's been in a couple of times, but I think the whole


They're they're weird man

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