Episode Transcript: #1409 - Joey Diaz
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Got pretty good fucking monkey. I sent you this morning for breakfast. What's that? Who sent you those type of pictures anymore?
What what oh that picture you sent me? Yeah, that that girl's lovely private parts. Oh, that's the best name for a vagina monkey I
Sent them to everybody to presidents of corporations cops on Monday happy Monday
Everybody's days a lot better
Start the damn right foot especially presidents of corporations people that you imagine if you had a working out fucking office
For your whole life as old as we are now if we were in an office since the time we were like 23 24 years old
Right at school just every day button down
Try not to say anything. It's gonna get you in trouble
Just trying to fucking make it to five o'clock and then immediately go to a bar and talk shit with your friends
And then do it all over again on Monday
But I time it so I know you're in a meeting
I know that you're in a meeting with eight white dudes and they're real serious about you know numbers have to be up statistics
And all sudden your phone rings you fucking open it up. It's a picture of a woman's vagina
And it breaks up the whole morning. I thank God Joey D is exist because he understands what I'm going through
That's tough. That's tough going to sales meetings
I used to go to sales meetings and they talk about talk. Do you know I want the Anthony Robbins?
Things did you when I was a burglar? I want Anthony Robbins
It's a better burglar. No, and I ended up kidnapping a motherfucker. He focused me. I walked on the polls
I was all in with Anthony Robbins. You do know that really because I worked for a Subaru dealership