Episode Transcript: #1440 - Fortune Feimster
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Three two one fortune. What's up? Good to see you. This is exciting. It's exciting for me, too
Oh our first date. Do you have a special coming on?
It just came out
Oh, it's out already. Yeah, I didn't even know well. There's a lot of specials coming out right now
It's just the craziest time ever for specials. Yeah, it's like one after another after another
It really is like I can't remember ever in the history of comedy
This many specials released no and like just killers every week. Yeah speaking special pull of the the video of Tom Segura's
new special there's a
It's on Netflix is a joke on
Instagram has a copy of it. Oh cuz he's doing English and Spanish, right? Yeah, this one's just English
Okay, he's gonna do one in Spanish. He got a yeah people don't know that Tom Segura is fluent in Espanyol
He had his mom on his podcast and that was in Spanish. Yeah, it's amazing
Yeah, it's funny because he looks so white. He looks like a white bro
I know sometimes Mexicans talk shit around him and and he'll just look at them and then say something in Spanish
And they're like, oh, no
Play there's a video
Play the video they fucked him
He let some lady put make I never let them put makeup on me never and they always bring someone and this is why
This is why they made him out and by the way, they color corrected it because it was way worse than that before
Oh, really? He told me it was way worse than that. I