#1440 - Fortune Feimster cover

#1440 - Fortune Feimster

NaN minutesEpisode #1440

Fortune Feimster is an American writer, comedian, and actress. Check out her brand new special "Sweet & Salty" now streaming on Netflix. She can also be heard along with Tom Papa on "What A Joke".

Watch the full episode of #1440 - Fortune Feimster.

Episode Timestamps

  • Tom Segura's Comedy Specials

    • Tom Segura releases new comedy special on Netflix
    • Discusses Tom Segura's fluency in Spanish
    • Details about a makeup mishap with Tom Segura
  • MMA Fighting and Howard Stern

    • Discussion on MMA fights and early endings
    • Talks about Anna Nicole Smith and Howard Stern's shows
    • Humorous conversation about a billionaire's inheritance and aging
  • Discussion on Wet Markets in China

    • Detailed conversation about wet markets in China
    • Description of various exotic animals being sold for consumption
    • Link between wet markets and the spread of diseases, including COVID-19
  • Conversation about Gun Safety and Shooting Incidents

    • Discussion on gun safety measures and the importance of proper handling
    • Anecdotes about accidental shootings and consequences
    • Debate on self-defense and legal implications of using guns
  • Discussion on 'The Walking Dead' plot holes and character deaths

    • Mention of Rick leaving the show and impact on storyline
    • Disappointment over character deaths like Glenn being killed
    • Emotional impact on actors like Glenn actor seen looking sad in public
  • Josh McDermott's journey in 'The Walking Dead' and beyond

    • Josh McDermott's transition from stand-up comedy to acting
    • Details on McDermott's initial surprise and journey in 'The Walking Dead'
    • Unforeseen decisions leading to McDermott's departure from stand-up and fanatical reactions
  • Stand-up Comedy and Improvisation

    • Some comedians go on stage with new material to test it out
    • Trying out new jokes can help in discovering punchlines
    • Importance of audience interaction and feedback in comedy shows
  • From Entertainment Journalist to Stand-up Comedian

    • Transition from being an entertainment journalist to a full-time comedian
    • Experience of covering events like movie premieres and award shows
    • Learning to craft stories and jokes through writing and interviewing celebrities
  • Discussion on Keyboards and Laptops

    • Comparing different keyboard designs and the importance of key shape for accuracy
    • Debating between ThinkPad and Apple laptops, discussing weight and key travel
    • Exploring the issues of software updates and typing experience on different laptops
  • Relationship and Marriage Conversations

    • Reflecting on the terminology 'partner' in relationships
    • Discussing the evolution of relationship labels like 'fiance' and societal perceptions
    • Mentioning unique marriage contract concepts and experiences with gold diggers in relationships
  • Struggle with Healthy Lifestyle & Homesteading Stories

    • Facing challenges with healthy eating habits and weight loss journey
    • Describing the impact of engagement on adopting a health-focused lifestyle
    • Exploring the journey of following an elimination diet and embracing whole foods
  • Lessons from Rabbit Farming & Socialization Issues in Homeschooled Kids

    • Insight into rabbit farming, emphasizing the benefits of rabbit meat and manure
    • Discussing challenges faced by homeschooled children in social settings
    • Reflecting on the valuable socialization aspect of traditional schooling
  • College Kid's Misunderstanding: Handling Anti-Semitic Remarks

    • A college kid approached the speaker in the early '90s about a joke he perceived as anti-semitic.
    • The speaker questioned the claim, pointing out the harmless nature of the joke.
    • The incident highlighted the difference between discriminatory remarks and harmless humor.
  • Revival at The Store: Transformation and Return of Comedians

    • The speaker reflects on the changes at the comedy store, starting from a low point in 2007.
    • The revival of the store was attributed to various comedians returning to perform, with podcasts playing a crucial role.
    • Personal connections with fellow comedians like Arie, Pauly, Joey, and Duncan encouraged the speaker's return.
  • Brett Ernst's Influence and the Journey to Becoming a Paid Regular at The Store

    • Brett Ernst played a significant role in encouraging the speaker to showcase at The Store.
    • The process of becoming a paid regular at The Store involved dedication and persistence.
    • Achieving the status of a paid regular was a milestone in the speaker's comedy career.
  • Stand-Up Comedy Journey Post-Becoming a Paid Regular and Insights on Comedy Industry

    • Participation in 'Last Comic Standing' and association with comedians like Felipe, Tommy Jonigan, and Nicki Glaser.
    • Transition to touring post 'Last Comic Standing' and gaining exposure through shows like Chelsea Lately.
    • Acknowledgment of the evolving stand-up comedy industry and the distinct comedic styles of performers.
  • The Influence of 'Van Wilder' on Stand-Up Comedian's Career

    • Stand-up comedian talks about a friend who inspired the movie 'Van Wilder'
    • Discusses the friend's transition from TV shows to stand-up comedy
    • Highlights the comedian's advice on pursuing stand-up comedy as a career
  • Transition from Fear Factor to Successful Stand-Up Comedy Career

    • Stand-up comedian compares experiences on Fear Factor and advice to a friend
    • Discusses challenges and rewards of committing to stand-up comedy
    • Emphasizes the importance of taking risks to achieve success in comedy
  • Netflix Special and Stand-up Tours

    • Actor discusses transition to doing stand-up comedy
    • Signs a year contract for specials
    • Plans for new material and upcoming tour
  • Weed Experience and Comedy Stories

    • Comedian shares a humorous experience with a weed-infused dinner
    • Conversation about smoking weed with a friend
    • Discussion on the effects of strong marijuana products
  • Alex Baronson's Impact and Brain Chemistry

    • Discussion about Alex Baronson's book and its perspective on mental health and drug use
    • Exploration of varied brain chemistries and genetic predispositions to mental health issues
    • Consideration of different responses to medications and the importance of individualized treatment
  • Brain Alteration Possibilities and Future Brain Enhancement

    • Contemplation on potential brain healing and enhancement methods through external stimulation
    • Speculation on the role of magnets in brain stimulation therapies for PTSD and brain injuries
    • Imagining a future where brain augmentation leads to increased intelligence and brain size
  • Brain Surgery Marvels: Stories of Musical Prodigies and Language Accents

    • People waking up from brain surgery with new special skills or language abilities.
    • Mary Stenberg develops musical talent post-surgery, writing songs for a movie.
    • Brain becoming musical after routine surgery complications.
  • Diverse Minds: Embracing Individuality in Perception and Ability

    • Understanding the uniqueness of individuals' brain perception and abilities.
    • Quentin Tarantino's distinct creativity illustrated through alternative endings in films.
    • Appreciating diverse perspectives and abilities instead of enforcing uniformity.
  • Simulation Theory and Oculus Realism

    • Discussion on the concept of life as a simulation and Elon Musk's belief in it.
    • Exploration of the Oculus virtual reality system and its potential for immersive experiences.
    • Comparison of past and present technological advancements and predictions for future digital realms.
  • Global Concerns and Cultural Names

    • Debate on the potential impact of aliens on humanity's survival and their role in preventing catastrophes.
    • Analysis of nuclear weapons possession by countries like Pakistan and India and the risks involved.
    • Humorous exploration of unique names from different cultures and the challenges of language and communication.
  • Multilingualism and Artistic Sophistication in Italy

    • Lack of bilingualism in certain countries contrasted with the multilingual environment in Spain.
    • Speculation on the connection between speaking multiple languages and artistic output.
    • Reflection on the cultural richness and artistry of Italy despite historical language limitations.
  • The Language Learner and International Shipment Business

    • Anecdote about a language-learning individual with a talent for linguistics and international business.
    • Comparing language acquisition to musical skill and discussing innate talent for multilingualism.
    • Exploring the theory of early skill development in various fields like boxing and singing.
  • Bert and Comedy Feedback

    • Discussion about giving and receiving feedback with Bert during comedy shows.
    • Importance of recording and analyzing comedy sets to improve performance.
    • Exploring different comedic approaches and techniques through feedback.
  • Live Comedy Experience

    • The uniqueness and impact of live comedy performances on audience interaction.
    • Challenges and rewards of testing new material in front of live audiences.
    • The evolution and learning process of perfecting comedic timing and delivery through live shows.
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