Episode Transcript: #1514 - Joe De Sena
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Thanks for doing this my pleasure. Hello Joe. How are you? We're rolling. Oh, right? Oh, man. All right. Nice to meet you
Thanks for having me. So the cattle bell you bring this fucking thing everywhere you go
Literally, I do I I lived overseas and I started it. You know why I started it. I had a
696 pound guy come to the farm
Six years ago and he wanted he wanted help losing weight and I helped him over 18 months get down to
265 pounds Wow and one of the methods I used to motivate him was I said as you lose weight
I'll carry weight and
Eventually I was carrying a hundred pound sandbag
Fast-forward and and we can get into it
I moved overseas with my family and I tried to carry that hundred pound sandbag because I had made that commitment to him and
They wouldn't let it through TSA. So when I landed in in Asia
I asked my wife. I said hey, can you order a 20 pound? It's stupid that I'm carrying a sandbag
Can you order a 20 pound cattle bell? I'll just carry a 20 pounder around so I'm not a complete fraud and
She confused pounds with
Kilograms and I ended up with a 44 pounder and it just became my shtick my thing
So when you say you carry it everywhere when you me go everywhere with it
I go everywhere with it. So I'm pan that during the pandemic
I haven't I wouldn't carry it if we were going to a grocery store
But if if I'm traveling to see you or I'm going anywhere in the world cattle bells coming with me Vegas anywhere
Do you take it as a carry on like that depends on the country?