Episode Transcript: #1777 - Andrew Dessler
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Alright, we're up.
Well, thank you very much for being here, Andrew.
Appreciate it.
Why don't you tell everybody if you would what you do and what your credentials are?
So, I'm a professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University.
I'm the director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies.
I've been studying climate and the atmosphere for about 30 years.
Okay, and thank you for being here, and I brought you on here to counter this book.
Steve Kuhnen, who is my last guest, and I'm trying to do this and balance things out.
He has a very different take on what the science says about climate change than you do.
So, I guess we should start.
I know you've read the book.
What do you think about his book?
Yeah, well, let me start with a little context.
I think some historical context.
So, for decades, on a number of problems, there have been scientists who show up and say,
the consensus is all wrong.