#752 - Mark Sisson cover

Episode Transcript: #752 - Mark Sisson

NaN minutesEpisode #752
Mark Sisson

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Current time: 00:00:00

We're good already? Damn, I didn't even see a countdown. Jamie, you're so fast.


Thanks for doing this, Mark. Appreciate it, man.


Totally my pleasure.


I've enjoyed your tweets. I've checked out your website and Mark's Daily Apple and all of your,


the different rules for the primal blueprint. And I found this really fascinating because


it seems really straightforward. It seems like, oh, well, this makes like eat lots of animals


insects and plants, move around a lot at a slow pace, lift heavy things, run really fast. But


what you've done essentially is created a guideline for optimizing your health and your body.


Yeah. You know, I've always wanted to be healthy from a really early age, like 12 or 13, and


read a lot of books, wanted to do the right thing, tried to figure out the hacks before they were


called hacks. And I got to the point where I was, you know, I was doing a lot of running because


aerobics was supposedly going to make you live longer. I was eating complex carbohydrates and


a ton of them in order to fuel the aerobics. I became a pretty good endurance athlete, but


I fell apart as a result of the training and the result, it turns out, of the diet. So the diet was


very pro-inflammatory, as we say. So I started doing research into the ways in which I could


re-access this health that I was seeking from the early age and not fall apart and not be decrepit


and beat up. And this became my mantra is how can I be strong, lean, fit, and healthy with the least


amount of pain, suffering, sacrifice, discipline, calorie counting, portion control, and everything


else. And where it led me was down this path of looking at human evolution and how we got to where


we are today, how we derived this genetic recipe that we all have that wants us to be strong and fit,

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