Episode Transcript: #814 - Ari Shaffir
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Do do do do do do do do do do do
Yes, you said you were in Seattle last night. Yeah, what are you doing? So we'll stand up comedy. Yeah, I'm not someplace
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana played whoa. Yeah
I mean he wasn't there
You know I know but it's cool being in those
I've been saying that doing these like a lot of these theaters is like doing like a like a functional museum
Yeah, yeah some of them. Yeah, that Fillmore Fillmore for sure. Yeah with all those pictures in there
Dude, I took a bunch of film of the we were in the dressing room
Apparently that's like one of the first places that the Led Zeppelin the Led Zeppelin
You know those that Led Zeppelin played really they first came to America. Yeah, that's cool
I don't know if the first or one of the first
but uh, yeah, man, I mean that is like as
Museum like it's Florida ceiling to with the pictures all the way over
Yeah, it's a big-ass place man
So like I mean as far as like it's not that big it's like 450 people
But I mean as far as like what it stands for yeah, like there's a few places like that
The Chicago theater is definitely like that just walking around that place like whoa. Yeah the look of it. Yeah
There's a bunch of them that are like just so old
That it's it's kind of weird that they let people just fucking run around on stage until dick jokes in them
It's close this is their close tour. Oh the first tour tour. That makes sense